Biden drops out: World leaders pay wary tribute

Biden drops out: World leaders pay wary tribute


Following are some reactions from abroad to President Joe Biden’s decision on Sunday to pull out of his campaign to seek reelection in November.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer

“I respect President Biden’s decision and I look forward to us working together during the remainder of his presidency,” UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer said in a statement.

“I know that, as he has done throughout his remarkable career, President Biden will have made his decision based on what he believes is in the best interests of the American people.”

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“On behalf of the people and government of Ireland. I, as Taoiseach, would like to thank you Mr President for your global leadership and your friendship as you make your announcement that you will not stand in the 2024 US Presidential election.

“The world has changed since President Biden’s victory in 2020 and we have had to face extraordinary challenges from a global pandemic to the return of war to the continent of Europe with the horrific full- scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia which has deliberately targeted and killed innocent civilians.

“President Biden has been a voice for reason, effective multilateralism and shared solutions.”

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Kremlin spokesman Demitry Peskov

“The elections are still four months away, and that is a long period of time in which a lot can change. We need to be patient and carefully monitor what happens,” Peskov told the SHOT news outlet. “The priority for us is the special military operation,” Peskov said, referring to the war in Ukraine.

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Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere

“I respect Joe Biden’s decision not to run for re-election. That justification deserves respect,” Stoere told national broadcaster NRK.

“Biden has been one of America’s most prominent politicians over several decades, and a president who has carried out several important reforms.”

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Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk

“Mr. President @JoeBiden, many times you have made difficult decisions that have made Poland, America, and the world safer, and democracy and freedom stronger,” Tusk wrote on X. “I know that you were guided by the same principles when announcing your latest decision. Perhaps the most difficult one in your life.”

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala

“It is undoubtedly the decision of a statesman who has served his country for decades. It is a responsible and personally difficult step, but it is all the more valuable,” Fiala wrote on X. “I am keeping my fingers crossed for the USA that a good president emerges from the democratic competition of two strong and equal candidates.”

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