Former rivals rally behind Trump at Republican convention – ABC listen

Former rivals rally behind Trump at Republican convention – ABC listen

Rachel Mealey: US security officials say protection for Donald Trump was boosted several weeks ago after authorities learned of a possible Iranian plot to kill him. It’s not believed to be related to the attempted assassination at a rally in Pennsylvania just days ago, which has prompted renewed fears of possible civil disorder and led to calls for national unity. Gavin Coote reports.

Gavin Coote: With the Republican National Convention in full swing, delegates gathered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin are hailing Trump’s resilience after he survived an assassination attempt.

Voter 1: Because he’s the greatest warrior that we’ve had. It’s not just somebody that represents us that has no strength. That’s a soldier.

Voter 2: We love him. And just to see that he’s out is, it makes my heart real happy because he’s a fighter and that’s what we need. We need a fighter that’s going to fight for us.

Gavin Coote: The issue of crime and safety has taken centre stage at the second day of the convention with some of Mr Trump’s former rivals among today’s speakers.

Vivek Ramaswamy: If you want to seal the border, vote Trump. If you want to restore law and order in this country, vote Trump.

Gavin Coote: Vivek Ramaswamy, the biotech businessman who had campaigned for the presidential nomination, stirred the crowd, imploring Republicans to back Donald Trump’s third bid for the White House.

Vivek Ramaswamy: Donald Trump is the president who will actually unite this country. Not through empty words, but through action. Because you know what? Success is unifying. Excellence is unifying. That’s who we are as Americans. That’s who we’ve always been.

Gavin Coote: With less than four months until the US election, many in the Republican Party are hoping JD Vance, Trump’s vice presidential pick, will help them win over voters in crucial swing states like Wisconsin. The 39-year-old Ohio senator, once a fierce critic of Trump before becoming a loyal supporter, is expected to speak at the convention tomorrow. Some at the gathering, including Florida delegate Tom Harb, consider him the perfect choice.

Tom Harb: I think JD Vance is a bridge between the youth and the elderly. He has the mentality and the platform for the Republican Party, for the elderly, which they need to transfer to the youth. And he is the perfect guy. He served in the army. He’s a veteran. He’s highly educated from the best universities of the United States. He is married to a lady from Indian background, so they cannot accuse him of racism. He’s a man of faith. He understands wars and he understands how to fight wars. But in the meanwhile, he doesn’t want to take our boys also to wars. He cares about the inner cities. He cares about poverty.

Gavin Coote: As authorities continue investigating the assassination attempt at the weekend, it’s been revealed security for Donald Trump had been boosted in the days leading up to it. The National Security Council says officials had learned of an Iranian plot to kill Mr Trump, but it was unrelated to the shooting in Pennsylvania. The surge of threats both abroad and domestically has led leaders on both sides of politics in the US to call for unity. Returning to the campaign trail in the battleground state of Nevada, President Joe Biden repeated his message that violence needs to be removed from politics.

President Joe Biden: It’s time for an important conversation in this country. Our politics has gotten too heated. I’ve said the Oval Office on Sunday night, as I’ve made clear throughout my presidency, we all have a responsibility to lower the temperature and condemn violence in any form.

Gavin Coote: Comments made in Sydney about the assassination attempt have landed comedy rock band Tenacious D in controversy. Singer Kyle Gass has apologised after joking on stage on Sunday that his birthday wish was don’t miss Trump next time. The band’s co-founder Jack Black has also apologised and cancelled the rest of the Australian tour.

Rachel Mealey: Gavin Coote.

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