Master The Digital Shift: Crucial Role Of AI Upskilling In Today’s Modern World

Master The Digital Shift: Crucial Role Of AI Upskilling In Today’s Modern World

The daily innovations and evolution in Artificial Intelligence are amazing to corporate professionals and netizens since its capabilities of simplifying complex tasks are immense and enable people to leverage AI as and when possible. However, its steadiness in replacing manual efforts and performing multiple tasks in a jiffy is creating a myth that AI-skilled professionals are cutting jobs and human labour. But, this isn’t true because its implementation and upskilling are just giving people a relaxation of avoiding errors, discrepancies and time-consuming efforts.

Here’s why AI has become a buzzard and how upskilling it in today’s modern and digitalized world can do wonders in day-to-day tasks.

Increasing demand and employability: As AI technology has become a need of the hour, there is a growing demand for professionals with AI skills. Companies across various industries are integrating AI into their operations, creating a need for individuals who can develop and maintain AI systems. Ankit Prasad, Founder, and CEO of Bobble AI, says, “People need to embrace AI upskilling to not only adapt but also flourish in an AI-driven era, as the nature of the workforce is drastically changing. Because the secret to opening up new avenues for career advancement and organisational success is found in the furnace of AI proficiency.” Thus, upskilling in AI can significantly enhance employability with new career opportunities.

Innovation over competition: With the boom in the demand for AI, organisations believe in AI upskilling to stay ahead of the market competition. Employees upskilled with AI can drive innovation, optimise processes, deliver insights from vast datasets and develop novel solutions that help boost productivity. And, justifying the fact, Pankaj Kumar, Managing Director of Shard Center for Innovation, has said, “AI helps individuals to boost their career as it enhances proficiency and helps to pursue the positions linked with cutting-edge technologies like machine learning, data science, and AI engineering. It also secures jobs in the tech-driven competitive environment as people can harness data as per their need.”

Growth opportunities and stability: Upskilling in AI enhances job security by making employees more valuable to their employers since proficiency in AI enables people to make practical yet data-driven decisions. This further helps in strategic planning and optimising business processes with better outcomes. Siddharth Sharma, Head of Digital Marketing at Rau’s IAS Study Circle, has also said that “AI is not a new concept, as it began long ago with some hardware setups, as far as I remember, in high-end mobile phones with camera setups. Similarly, when ChatGPT emerged, many other tools entered the market to utilise LLM. This indicates that AI is a must-learn aspect; its upskilling will not only give confidence but also provide more job stability.”

Riya Garg, a PR professional also shares her point of view on AI upskilling stating, “When people judicially use their resources, they can be more effective as compared to their peers which helps them gain better opportunities. Because, when a human mind might not be able to think in one direction, it helps in bringing a new perspective to the table.”

Enhances skill sets: By continuously updating skill sets, professionals can adapt to emerging AI trends, tools, and methodologies, ensuring their relevance in an ever-changing job market. This also facilitates companies to bridge the gap between them and their workforce, ensuring they have the talent needed to leverage AI technologies effectively. Ajay Goyal, Co-Founder and CEO, Erekrut, has shared his thoughts saying, “I have personally upskilled in AI through various self-learning programs and hands-on working while embedding AI in our portal. This has not only enhanced my skill set but also opened up new opportunities for career growth and development. I feel that AI upskilling is becoming increasingly important in today’s job market as individuals can future-proof their careers and position themselves for success in the AI-driven future.”

Future-proofing careers: Upskilling in AI can future-proof careers by ensuring that professionals are prepared for the evolving job market and technological landscape. Sahil Chopra, Founder & CEO of iCubesWire, also supports the fact that AI is now and here as he says that, “Upskilling in AI helps enhance the job security staying ahead of the market scenario, improves decision making with increasing earning potential. This is because AI expertise is in high demand and can lead to higher salaries.”  

Aarul Malviya, Founder, Zamit, also mentions that “While AI may not directly replace jobs wholesale, it’s reshaping job requirements and creating a demand for AI-skilled professionals. AI tools enhance productivity by streamlining processes and augmenting human capabilities, enabling individuals to unlock greater efficiency and innovation through upskilling.”

With AI’s increasing influence on society, there’s a growing need for professionals who understand its ethical implications and can develop solutions that prioritise fairness, transparency, and accountability.

How individuals can upskill

Networking and collaboration: Joining AI communities and networking with professionals in the field can provide valuable insights and opportunities for collaboration.

Certifications and credentials: Certifications from reputable organisations and institutions can enhance credibility and marketability as an AI professional.

Seeking mentorship: Finding a mentor who is experienced in AI can provide guidance and support in an upskilling journey.

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