NASA Alert! Airplane-Sized Asteroid 2024 LZ4 Is Closer Than Moon To Earth Today

NASA Alert! Airplane-Sized Asteroid 2024 LZ4 Is Closer Than Moon To Earth Today

Three Near-Earth Asteroids Headed Towards Earth Today, NASA Confirms

The majority of asteroids reside between Mars and Jupiter, in a region known as the asteroid belt. However, some of these space rocks, known as Near-Earth Objects (NEOs), have orbits that bring them close to Earth. While most near-Earth asteroids pass safely by our planet, a few occasionally make an impact or explode in Earth’s atmosphere.

NASA has alerted us that three space rocks are moving towards Earth today. Among them, one notable asteroid, dubbed Asteroid 2024 LZ4, is set to pass closer to Earth than the Moon. Here’s what NASA has revealed about this asteroid.

Asteroid 2024 LZ4: Key Details

Asteroid 2024 LZ4, roughly 72 feet wide (about the size of an aeroplane), is not particularly concerning due to its size. However, its proximity to Earth is what has scientists on alert. Travelling at a speed of 77,109 kilometres per hour (21.42 kilometres per second), it will come within just 173,000 miles of Earth. To put this in perspective, the average distance between Earth and the Moon is about 239,000 miles (385,000 kilometers).

Despite its close approach, NASA has not classified Asteroid 2024 LZ4 as a potentially hazardous asteroid. These classifications are reserved for objects that come within 4.6 million miles of Earth and are more than 150 meters in size. Due to its smaller size, Asteroid 2024 LZ4 does not pose a significant threat. Nevertheless, monitoring such asteroids is crucial to prevent any unforeseen incidents.

Asteroids Hitting The Earth

Do asteroids hit Earth? Yes, they do! The most famous example is the Chicxulub impact, believed to have caused the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs approximately 66 million years ago. This catastrophic event, occurring near present-day Mexico, released immense energy, leading to widespread fires, tsunamis, and a significant climate shift.

In more recent times, smaller asteroids have been detected heading towards Earth. On January 21, 2024, a small asteroid about 3.3 feet wide burned up in Earth’s atmosphere near Berlin, Germany. As it entered the atmosphere, it turned into a bright fireball visible across Europe.

While most of these near-Earth asteroids disintegrate harmlessly in our atmosphere, keeping a close watch on them is essential for planetary defence and to mitigate potential risks.

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