Procurement Of Nations Digital Projects To Be Reviewed – BusinessToday

Procurement Of Nations Digital Projects To Be Reviewed – BusinessToday

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has directed the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Digital to suspend and resynchronise all pending digital procurements.

Anwar, who is also the Finance Minister, stated that this is to ensure that all planned procurements align with the government’s digitalization aspirations and current digital technologies, to avoid overlapping initiatives, projects, and wastage of resources.

“The government is also firmly committed to expanding internet access to provide opportunities for all citizens to benefit from the latest technologies in their daily activities, particularly in the digital economy, social, and education sectors.

“Therefore, as a start, I have instructed all relevant ministries to ensure that internet facilities are available in all Public Institutions of Higher Education (IPTA), primary and secondary schools, and any institutions under government supervision,” he said in a Facebook post.

Additionally, the Prime Minister mentioned that the meeting of the National Digital Economy and Fourth Industrial Revolution Council (MED4IRN), which he chaired earlier this afternoon, also agreed on the Phase 2 Implementation Plan of the Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint (RTEDM) and the National 4IR Policy (D4IRN), while prioritizing the implementation of 50 initiatives that are more focused on the current digital landscape.

“The implementation of this plan is crucial to achieve the target of a 25.5 percent contribution from the digital economy to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2025, besides ensuring that Malaysia continues to be digitally driven, with a high income, and becomes a regional leader in the digital economy.

“The Malaysian government is committed to positioning Malaysia as a regional digital economy hub and leveraging the latest technological advancements for the well-being of the people,” he said.

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