Solar Storm Alert! G2-Class Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth Today, NOAA Confirms

Solar Storm Alert! G2-Class Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth Today, NOAA Confirms

Earth Bombarded by Relentless Solar Storms.

A few days ago on June 25th, the Sun spewed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), which are large expulsions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun’s corona, into the space. It was the result of a filament of magnetism in the Sun’s southern hemisphere. The impact of this upcoming CME is predicted to hit Earth.

This comes via report, which suggests that a minor G2-class geomagnetic storm hits on June 28th, that is today when a CME has been expected to graze Earth’s magnetic field.

For unversed, Geomagnetic Storms are large eruptions from the Sun’s outer atmosphere. A geomagnetic storm is like a big space storm that affects Earth’s magnetic field. It can cause problems with Power grids, Radio communications, Satellite and Navigation systems. It’s like a big solar wind blowing through space, making things a bit messy for us on Earth.

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