Spirit Of Anti-Hopping Law Must Be Upheld To Strenghten Trust In Democracy

Spirit Of Anti-Hopping Law Must Be Upheld To Strenghten Trust In Democracy

The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs said it is deeply concerned about the recent decision by Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari Abdul to allow six former Bersatu MPs to retain their seats after being expelled from their party. This development could undermine the purpose of Malaysia’s anti-party hopping law and erode public trust in democratic processes. 

The political think tank emphasised that critical importance of adhering to the spirit of the anti-party hopping law which was established in 2022 must be ensured for political stability and protect the opposition’s role in parliament. “This law is fundamental to maintaining trust in our democratic system. It was created  to prevent elected representatives from switching parties for personal gain, which can destabilise the government and undermine voter confidence. Any deviation from its principles can jeopardise the stability it aims to create and erode the trust that the public has in our democratic institutions,” says Dr Tricia Yeoh, CEO of IDEAS.

Thus it has called for transparent communication of such pivotal decisions to the public. “The internal dealings that happen to entice MPs to switch sides has not only eroded trust in our institutions, but also exposes our democracy to money politics. We are concerned that the Speaker’s decision might set the wrong precedent, whereby future similar cases of switching support might go unpunished,” ends Dr Tricia Yeoh. 

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