Telco Launches Controversial Campaign

Telco Launches Controversial Campaign

YTL Communicaiton owned Yes has launched a controversila maketing campaign by asking users if they are tired of feeling unsatisfied with their current telco’s offerings, which is a direct dig at the incumbent players like CelcomDigi and Maxis.

Yes has accused the other telcos of capped data and speed, sky-high prices, and ridiculous hidden charges fand has stated that used have been dissastisfied with the services for too long. It has also whether they’re eeceiving the quality of service they deserve.

The company makes further commetns that it is challenging the old guard of telcos with modern 5G solutions and says that the public deserves better when it comes to telco services and offerings.

Its CEO Wing K Lee claimed that through the new campaign the company aimr to provide a platform for Malaysians to express their frustrations with their telcos, addressing issues such as their false “unlimited” claims, overpriced data plans, and capped speed with slow connectivity.

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