The World Rafting Championship starts today in Banja Luka – Sarajevo Times

The World Rafting Championship starts today in Banja Luka – Sarajevo Times

The World Rafting Championship starts today in Banja Luka, during which more than 60 teams from 20 countries are expected to participate, announced the director of this championship, Aleksandar Pastir.

Pastir said that he is proud that Banjaluka is hosting such an important event for the third time and pointed out that the competition will be an opportunity for the whole world to see the great potential for rafting.

“This is an opportunity to show that potential to the whole world because all eyes will be on us and our river Vrbas during the five days of the competition,” Pastir said at a press conference in Karanovac near Banja Luka.

The Mayor of Banja Luka, Draško Stanivuković, said that it was with great pleasure that he supported the organization of this manifestation, which presents the city in the most beautiful light.

“Vrbas has great potential that needs to be used, and this championship is one of the ways,” said Stanivuković.

The World Rafting Championship will be officially opened tomorrow at 18:00 at the Football Stadium in Krupa on Vrbas.

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