Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 28 to August 3, 2024

Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for July 28 to August 3, 2024

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 20)

Love: Devil

Read on to find out your Tarot reading for the coming week.(Unsplash)

Mood: The Tower

Career: Two of Coins

Prepare for an abundance of blessings in the week ahead. Your commitment to fitness yields dividends as you enjoy heightened vitality and vigour. Expect a revitalization of passion and affection within your marriage, strengthening your bond. Stay composed and offer support to loved ones amidst any disputes or misunderstandings at home. Your week may be filled with a flurry of activities, including meetings and presentations. Prospective entrepreneurs may need to actively pursue funding opportunities. Students can anticipate success in exams and the fulfilment of their goals. Your achievements will directly reflect the effort and dedication you put in. Those looking to sell old properties stand to make substantial profits. Prioritizing preparation before embarking on an international trip will greatly enhance your experience upon arrival.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: White

TAURUS (Apr 21-May 20)

Love: Five of Wands

Mood: Three of Swords

Career: The Emperor

Maintain a positive outlook this week more than ever before. Consider taking a bold step for your career and leave your worries behind. Business deals that enhance financial stability are within reach. Your support can elevate your partner’s career prospects. Engaging in regular yoga or exercise can enhance both mental and physical well-being. Singles may find solace in solitude, embracing their own company. Addressing familial issues is crucial for restoring harmony at home. Exercise extra caution while driving, as unexpected factors like traffic and detours may disrupt plans. Prospective renters who meet landlord requirements may be available. Students stand a chance of securing acceptance into highly competitive programs.

Lucky Number: 17

Lucky Colour: Magenta

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21)

Love: The Sun

Mood: Two of Swords

Career: Temperance

Expect a productive business week ahead with diligent transactions. Your physical strength will be a reliable asset to overcome any challenges. Maintaining your usual workday routine will come naturally in your professional undertakings. Your closest companions will offer unwavering support and encouragement. Address marital conflicts with sensitivity and care. Students who dedicate time and effort to their studies will excel in their chosen fields. Consider planning a weekend getaway or taking time off to unwind. Remember to take periodic breaks from work for optimal well-being. House hunters may find luck in discovering affordable yet ideal options.

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Colour: Cream

CANCER (Jun22-Jul 22)

Love: Judgment

Mood: The Moon

Career: Seven of Wands

This week holds the promise of great success for you. Your leadership skills shine as you navigate a challenging project to a successful outcome. Strengthen your romantic bonds by openly and honestly expressing your feelings. Shared domestic responsibilities can alleviate burdens for all involved. With high earnings and low costs, the financial forecast appears bright. Take this opportunity to evaluate your health and consider avenues for improvement. Students interested in original research have a rare chance for exploration. Seize the opportunity to secure a property deal with a family member. Expect some obstacles in the title transfer process of old properties.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Colour: Peach

LEO (Jul 23-Aug 23)

Love: The Lovers

Mood: Strength

Career: Two of Wands

Following a busy start, the week may conclude on a positive note for some individuals. It’s an opportune time to initiate a new exercise regimen for improved overall health. A culture of intense competition and a relentless drive for advancement may provide an advantage in the workplace. Existing business ventures are poised for heightened success, leading to increased financial gains. Prioritize gatherings with friends and family throughout the week. Dedicate quality time and attention to your loved ones, particularly your partner. Embarking on a journey abroad has the potential to be transformative for certain individuals. Students will find it easier to focus and establish effective study routines. Unexpected challenges may arise during property transitions, causing inconvenience and stress.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Dark Blue

VIRGO (Aug 24-Sept 23)

Love: Four of Swords

Mood: The Magician

Career: The Empress

You can anticipate a favourable week ahead, benefiting from conducive conditions. Your strong leadership abilities may enable you to make a significant impact across various levels within the company. Developing critical listening skills is crucial for success in business endeavours. Embrace the wisdom of elderly family members for your own advancement. When faced with challenges in your love life, strive to manage your temper constructively. Learning to listen to your body can enhance your overall energy levels. Enjoying extended car trips with friends is likely to bring you joy. The current surge in land prices presents lucrative opportunities for selling property. Your decisions regarding academics have the potential to enhance your performance.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Light Red

LIBRA (Sept 24-Oct 23)

Love: The Hermit

Mood: Ten of Coins

Career: Page of Cups

Fortune smiles upon you this week as the stars align in your favour. There’s a possibility of unexpected financial gains early in the week. Your proposed business partnership may receive approval in the coming days. Your swift decision-making and logical prowess are unmatched in facing professional challenges. Expect a relaxing and stress-free atmosphere, especially at home, throughout the week. Consistent and diligent effort will lead to improved health stability. Positive changes may be on the horizon for those preparing for a wedding. Students can anticipate excelling in competitive exams. You stand a strong chance of success in legal matters. Consider planning a spontaneous outing for added enjoyment.

Lucky Number: 5

Lucky Colour: Green

SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Love: The Hanged Man

Mood: Ten of Wands

Career: Eight of Coins

Prepare for a week brimming with delightful surprises. Both professional and personal growth opportunities may emerge. Collaborating with colleagues can help declutter your workspace. Expect a resurgence of passion and affection in your marriage, strengthening your bond. Practice mindful eating by paying attention to portion sizes and making conscious dietary choices. Domestic projects or renovations can bring joy and satisfaction to your household. Your startup may encounter challenges, necessitating innovative solutions. Recent college graduates may be eager for adventure. Holiday visitors seeking savings may encounter tempting deals. Students may benefit from mentorship with their study materials.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Purple

Love: The Star

Mood: The Chariot

Career: Three of Wands

Get ready to revel in the glow of success all week long. With diligence and your best efforts, you may accomplish all tasks at work without compromising standards or falling behind schedule. Exercise caution with finances due to the possibility of unforeseen expenses. Seek guidance from elders when faced with challenging family matters. Maintain a strong immune system, potentially warding off illness altogether. Singles may experience moments of discouragement in their quest for romance. Eliminating distractions can enhance student productivity in the classroom. Quick business trips may be necessary for signing legal documents and agreements. Discovering great deals while shopping for home interiors is a possibility.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Brown

Love: The Sun

Mood: The Hierophant

Career: Three of Wands

Prepare to embrace the spirit of opportunity and potential this week. Positive developments are on the horizon at work, potentially accompanied by increased power and authority. Find significance in the everyday tasks that contribute to maintaining a harmonious home environment. Exercise caution in financial matters, and consider cost-cutting measures to avoid potential setbacks. Maintain a positive mindset, especially during challenges in your romantic life. Balance reliance on personal trainers with self-motivation for optimal health outcomes. Favourable conditions await those considering overseas education opportunities. A trip to a tranquil destination can provide clarity and rejuvenation for your mind. Early possession of a previously booked flat may be within reach.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Silver

Love: The Hanged Man

Mood: Three of Wands

Career: King of Coins

Prepare for a week that promises to surpass your expectations. The professional landscape may undergo positive changes and enhancements for you. Taking calculated financial risks could yield substantial rewards. Maintain your usual confidence and upbeat demeanour in the comfort of your home. Regular exercise, particularly in natural surroundings, can help sustain or even boost stamina levels. Navigate romantic misunderstandings with patience and clarity when they arise. Students may reap benefits from restructuring their study schedules. This week presents favourable opportunities for finalizing land transactions and delving into real estate investments. Prioritize learning about the history of your desired destination before embarking on your trip; insufficient planning could lead to a less-than-ideal experience.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Peach

PISCES (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Love: Seven of Swords

Mood: The Fool

Career: Queen of Coins

Welcome the week’s journey with an open heart and open arms. Informed decisions are easier to make in your professional life when equipped with all the necessary information. Start-up owners must reassess strategies and devise innovative solutions. Family dialogues foster mutual understanding and compromise. Trust your instincts in matters of the heart; they will guide you. Prioritize your health through a balanced diet and regular exercise, yielding potential rewards. A family outing to a museum or theme park can be transformative for all involved. College-bound students may find part-time jobs beneficial for managing expenses. Favourable resolutions to property legal issues bring clarity and peace of mind.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Yellow

(Astrologer, Tarot Card Reader, Numerologist, Vastu & Fengshui Consultant)

Contact: +919650015920

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