World Telecom and Info Society Day today

World Telecom and Info Society Day today

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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day will be celebrated in the country today with the theme ‘Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development’.

WTISD-2024 will offer chance to explore how digital innovation can help connect everyone and unlock sustainable prosperity for all.

According to the United Nations, the World Telecommunication Day has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 1969, marking the founding of ITU and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865. 

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in March 2006 stipulating that World Information Society Day shall be celebrated every year on May 17 to focus on the importance of ICT and the wide range of issues related to the information society.

On the eve of the day, president Mohammed Shahabuddin and prime minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday issued separate messages wishing success of all programmes of it.

Marking the day, posts and telecommunications division and its affiliate organisations have chalked out elaborate programmes across the country.

Different television channels, including state-run Bangladesh Television and Bangladesh Betar are expected to broadcast discussions highlighting the significance of the day.

In his message of the occasion, president Mohammed Shahabuddin said that information technology and advanced telecommunication system was one of the indicators of overall development and progress of any country. 

The government has set up Union Digital Centres in every union to bring the benefits of information technology and telecommunication systems and information technology services to the doorsteps of the rural communities of the country, the head of the state added.

As a result of prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s concerted efforts, fourth generation telecommunication services are in everyone’s hands today, he said.

Besides, big data, machine learning and AI-based activities are being adopted and implemented for achieving sustainable development goals, the president said.

In her message, prime minister Sheikh Hasina said that by establishing ‘Digital Bangladesh’ as per the election pledge given to the people, the Awami League government had implemented extensive development activities in the country’s telecommunication and information technology sector in the last fifteen and a half years.

‘We have modernised all services in the telecommunication sector,’ the premier said.

Internet density and submarine cable capacity have been increased, she said, adding that new submarine cable had been set up.

The government has introduced 4G technology, she said, adding that preparations were underway to launch telecommunication services of 5G technology. 

Almost hundred per cent of the country’s area is now covered by mobile network, she continued.

The premier said that video conferencing system made a significant contribution during the worst times of the corona pandemic. 

Apart from this, video conferencing led to establishing communication with the people of different parts of the country and providing government guidance in a very short time.

‘We have now entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution. I urge everyone to work together to reap the benefits of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and ensure world-class telecommunication and information technology services for the people,’ she said.

‘Let’s turn Bangladesh into a ‘Golden Bangladesh’ as well as a better information technology dependent ‘Smart Bangladesh’ as dreamt by the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman through the collective efforts of all,’ the premier said.

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