Your boss needs to know how you get to work from today –

Your boss needs to know how you get to work from today –


Businesses with more than 100 employees are required to keep a record of how staff get to work under a new law designed to limit CO2 emissions.

The measure is coming into effect on Monday and is a result of the 2019 climate agreement, which businesses also signed up for.

CO2 emissions will have to be halved by 49% in 2030 compared to 1990 levels and by 95% by 2050.

Between 20% to 25% of emissions is due to traffic, with work-related journeys accounting for some 6% of all emissions. The data could be used to limit emissions from traffic, experts have said.

Most of the annual 40 billion work-related kilometres are travelled by car, figures from the mobility policy institute KiM have shown. Public transport accounts for some 6 billion km and bikes for 4 billion km. Walks to work account for 200 million km.

Emissions targets

Until 2027, businesses will have to keep records of the types of transportation people use to get to work. After that goals will be set to limit emissions.

Environmental organisation Natuur & Milieu said it is a good first step to find out how much CO2 is actually emitted before setting a norm. “Businesses are given the space to make an inventory first,” mobility programme leader Nienke Onnen told broadcaster NOS.

The organisation hopes the registration will be followed by a discussion about what workers need and what employers can offer, with the help of the government. “They could subsidise bikes or electric cars. Or make sure bus itineraries take in business parks, or take measures to facilitate working from home,” Onnen said.

Employers’ union AWVN said many employers have no idea what their carbon  footprint is and that with the new insights they can get to work to fulfill their commitment to the climate agreement.

The union said that most businesses are positive about the move despite the extra administration.

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